Batimientos – Schwebungen

By Kerstin Ergenzinger & Florencia Curci

Preparing the walk through the Lapataia valley with maps and through the cartographic gaze from afar we strongly felt our foreignness and the valley’s negative space. Its resonance space was an external void. Its prevailing elements seemed to be water and wind.

We imagined bodies and voices in the winds. We imagined to join with our breath sounding tones without semantics.

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by Florencia Curci, Fernanda Olivares & Nicolás Spencer

The noise emanating from the sea serves as a wake-up call, a mechanism or device, an artifice that heralds an emergency with nymphs’ cries from a place, be it a utopian or dystopian topos. This is how a narrative emerges, originating from the depths of the sea, carried by air currents and surface waves, creating turbulence as it interacts with the seabed and crashes against the coastal breakers. The mythological noise, or “Lärm,” undergoes a transformation and dissolves, taking on premonitory forms or dystopographies.

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