The Terra Ignota Forum (TIF) is a knowledge transfer and training program with the communities of the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica. The project was developed around the discovery of the Intercultural Contact Zone (ICZ) found in 2021 in Yendegaia National Park by the Terra Ignota team. The discovery confirmed the existence of a passage between between the Beagle Channel (Yendegaia bay) and the Admiralty Sound across the Darwin Range, a point of contact between three ancestral ethnic groups that used to pass through this area: the Selk’nam, Kawésqar and Yagán communities.
Past editions of the Terra Ignota Forum took place in the remote Cordillera Darwin itself, the geographical and culturally inverted agro-industrial region of northern Germany (Rügen), and collaborated with institutional complexities of the Ethnological Museum of Vienna and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago (MAC). The new edition of this program is taking place in Valdivia between the 11th and 16th of December at the Centro Cultural La Leñera. In Exhibitions, workshops, talks and discussions, open kitchen, greenhouses, radio broadcasts, readings, weavings, concerts and listening sessions we questioning the entanglements of physical and cultural environments.
Carried out with the support of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation and the Institute of Visual Arts of the UACh, Terra Ignota Forum proposes to conceive spaces as dynamic and adaptable fields with the power to regenerate and reprogram themselves in relation to those who inhabit them, emphazising the importance of exchange and participation in creating and shaping reality.
With: Florencia Curci, Tomas Elgueta, Ivan Flores, Vivana Méndez, Jesús Román, Adrián Silva, Pablo Schalscha, Nicolás Spencer, Gabriela Urrutia, Jan Vormann a.o.
Thursday 14 dec
14h opening
15h sit-down lunch
menu: sopaipilla and conversation with Adrián Silva “This was the woodshed”
16h unpicking patterns #5
textile activism workshop with Viviana Méndez
+ radio conversation
Friday 15th dec
15h weird radios workshop
radio techniques to postpone the end of the world
19h cooking
conversation with artistic organizations +
shared quick lentils (bring your own concoctions)
Saturday 16 dec
16h (in)appropriate space and uncertain futures
coffee-forum with the local artistic community
+ active textile space: unstitching patterns #5
+ t-shirt printing club de amigos del jardín botánico (print your t-shirt!)
General coordination: Florencia Curci, Nicolás Spencer
Forum Coordination: Cristian Espinoza, Iván Flores, Viviana Méndez, Pablo Schalscha
Editing: Florencia Curci, Tomás Elgueta, Pablo Ojeda, Nicolás Spencer, Jan Vormann