> projects / 2025 / radiales / Preliminary Visit / Emerging Archive / Historic Background / Forum / Participants

Open dialog
Between Art, Science and the Museum.
Date: 5 and 6 February from 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: Museo Territorial Yagán Usi – Martín González Calderón
Aragay corner Gusinde, Puerto Williams, Chile.

The interdisciplinary group Terra Ignota invites dialogue on present and future ways of caring for the natural and cultural heritage on Isla Navarino, through a two-day programme of presentations, listening and workshop sessions.

Through these meetings Terra Ignota proposes places of community resonance by opening up its way of working that includes the use of artistic, scientific and museological tools.

5 February 18 – 20:00

I: Contact zones
Introduction to the interdisciplinary practices of Terra Ignota

II: Cultural Traces
Findings and recognition of cultural traces in Tierra del Fuego

6 February 18 – 20:00

I: Practices in context: listening from the seabed to the stars
Participatory presentation of sensing and recording devices developed by the Terra Ignota team

II: Discussions and listening sessions
– Objects from the Yagán community in the Weltmuseum Wien, Austria.
– Radio landscapes: from satllites and communication to shared remote listening (radio.earth) to telluric currents (natural radio phenomena)
– Echoes of the Landscape (experimental publication)
– Environmental Linguistics (research presentation)
– Sounds of the Magellanic marine environment (research presentation and listenig session)
– Wind Oscillations (project presentation)

Claudia Augustat, curator of the South American collections of Weltmuseum Vienna.
Florencia Curci, artist and independent curator, CASo, Buenos Aires.
Robert Carracedo, archaeologist, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Beatriu de Pinos Programme.
Ivan Flores Arancibia, Director, Department of Visual Arts, Universidad Austral de Chile.
Raviv Ganchrow, artist, researcher, inherit. heritage in transformation, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Nicolás Spencer, artist, associate researcher Universidad Austral de Chile.
Carsten Stabenow, researcher and independent curator, Tuned City, Berlin.

organized by Museo Martín González
+ Terra Ignota

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