Two new research programmes for 2024/25

Following the Terra Ignota Forum 2024 we started two new research initiatives – Radiales and Cerro Otten. Radiales is the geographic continuity of the “Intercultural Contact Zone” research further south to the island of Navarino. The project is proposing the development of an “emerging archive” that responds to the need for new cartographies that reflect the complexities that integrate territories based on the systematization of knowledge, know-how and sensitivities, with the contribution of transdisciplinarity and the local community. Cerro Otten is an archaeological prospection in Última Esperanza, Magallanes, Chile and is following the discovery (2022) of rock-paintings by Alfredo Prieto.

Terra Ignota Forum 24 @ UMAG

After collaborations with institutions such as the Ethnological Museum Vienna (Weltmuseum Wien) and the Museum of Contemporary Art Santiago (MAC), the first TIF field lab and forum in Yendegaia National Park in March 2023, the geographical mirrored experience with the field lab in Northern Germany (Rügen, September 2023) and the knowledge transfer and training programme at La Leñera Cultural Centre in Valdivia (December 2023), the different lines of activities – which include fieldwork, research, artistic production, mediation and education – now converge in the Terra Ignota Forum hosted by the Universidad de Magallanes in Punta Arenas.

Exhibición March 01 – June 31
Forum March 13 – 15

Sonic Islands 2023

SONIC ISLANDS – Mirrored perceptions between Tierra del Fuego + Rügen
March and September 2023

SONIC ISLANDS focuses on the various auditory aspects of the TERRA IGNOTA project and is part of TIF 2023/24.
We are interested in the meaning of sound as a semantic system and as a form of artistic articulation. Questions about origin, identity, intercultural understanding but also about perception, legibility and interaction with the environment, social processes and structures beyond visually connoted reference systems are the subject of our joint research. Listening and making audible to stimulate changes of perspective in the process of artistic research and knowledge production as well as in communicating to an audience.

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During the month of May, through a series of simultaneous radio meetings in the studios of Radio CASo and Radio UACh, some results of the most recent journey of the project will be presented, which included three days of forums with artists, geologists, philosophers, archaeologists, local entrepreneurs, women of the selk’nam and yagán people, with the purpose of analyzing in an interdisciplinary way the potential of a future museum park located in Tierra del Fuego.

The broadcasts are organized in thematic axes from which a diversity of guests on both sides of the mountain range will seek to explore forms of passage on the line that crosses the island of Tierra del Fuego from north to south, the political border between Chile and Argentina.

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2023 – activities

Beginning of 2023 we plan two main interrelated activities – an interdisciplinary expedition to Cordillera Darwin and the Terra Ignota Forum.

Terra Ignota Forum (TIF) is an international field laboratory that seeks to develop and implement a contemporary archive on the so-called “intercultural contact zone” (Selk’nam, Kawesqar and Yagán) located in Yendegaia National Park (YNP). The project is deployed in two stages, the first is the continuation of our interdisciplinary research in the territory (2023) and the second (2024) will be the mediation and discussion of the results and findings in the premises of the Universidad de Magallanes, where the TIF Archive will be located. The project is made possible by the Public Science Fund of the Chilean Ministry of Science.

For our project proposal SONIC ISLANDSa mirrored research project between Tierra del Fuego and the island of Rügen (Germany) in spring 2023 we received a grant from the International Coproduction Fund of Goethe Institut and from Musikfonds e.V.

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2022 – TERRA IGNOTA at Weltmuseum within the framework of the TAKING CARE project

Terra Ignota was invited to participate in residence at Weltmuseum within the framework of the TAKING CARE project, a research carried out between September and October 2022. The results will be shown in the “Extinction!?” exhibition that will take place in the Weltmuseum Vienna in the beginning of 2023. Fernanda Olivares, from the Selk’nam Covadonga Ona Community in Chile, and Nicolás Spencer, artist, participated in the program in collaboration with Claudia Augustat, curator of the South American collection at the Weltmuseum. The idea of this residency was to work with the objects belonging to the collection obtained by Martin Gusinde and think about new forms of museographic perception in connection to the discussion around extinction of the Selk’nam and their recognition now, as a living Community in Chile. This research will be continued with field work in Bahía Blanca, Cordillera de Darwin in February next year under participation of Weltmuseum.

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Edmundo Mansilla, Vice Rector(s) of Outreach of the Universidad de Magallanes and Verena Lehmkuhl, Director of Goethe Institut – Chile, are pleased to invite you to the Conversatory “Terra Ignota” to be held on Thursday, June 2 at 16.30 hrs in the Ernesto Livacic Auditorium of the Universidad de Magallanes. Presentations will be made by Alfredo Prieto, Nicolás Spencer and Carsten Stabenow.

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2022 – TI exhibition @ MAC

From May 3rd to July 26th, 2022 we will show the results of the last years of work at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC) Santiago.

The TI exhibition consists of sculptural/spatial installations, sound- and and media works based on transdisciplinary research. The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive archive of research results, papers, further reading material, a digital platform and a discursive program.

TI is the result of a sustained collaboration of people from artistic and scientific world in close conjunction with the local native communities of the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica.

With contributions by:
Terra Ignota Aladino del CarmenSalas transportista Alberto García arqueólogo Alberto Harambour historiador Alessandra Burotto periodista Alfredo Prieto arqueólogo Angélica Castelló artista Catalina Montero historiadora del arte Carsten Stabenow curador Christian Oyarzún programador Claudia Augustat antropóloga  Consuelo Spencer psicoanalista Diego Ahumada restaurador Diego Cortés escultor, montajista Eric Mattson, curador Federico Stäger escritor Gerd Sielfeld geólogo  Garret Linn-Benítez, asesor técnico Hema’ny Molina, poeta y activista Comunidad Selk’nam Hernán Gómez, asesor jurídico Ignacio del Real, ilustrador Inti Gallardo, productora Jacqueline Puratich, geóloga Jaime Mora ingeniero Joali Paredes vulcanóloga Jorge Gibbons zoólogo José Luis Marchante historiador, economista Juan Pablo Letelier geólogo Julia González activista Comunidad Yagán Lilian Riquelme productora Luciano Lavín soldador Luis González investigador gastronómicoMarc Asensi ingeniero Marcelo Peña sonidista Marisol Palma historiadora María Luisa Murillo fotógrafa Mauricio Massone arqueólogo Micol Favini diseñadora Miguel Ángel Escalonilla ingeniero Mirko Petrovic Artista, programadorNicolás Spencer artista Osvaldo Sotomayor arquitecto Paola Grendi antropóloga Paul Gründorfer artista Raviv Ganchrow artista René Rissland arquitecto Roberto Carracedo arqueólogo Thierry Dupradou fotógrafo Tomás Elgueta luthier Sergio Contreras ingeniero en patrimonio Valentina Montero curadora Víctor Mazón Gardoqui artista  Viviana Méndez poeta

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