Julio Contreras (CL)

Magallanic, son of Chilotes. Since childhood living in the southern territories and Tierra del Fuego and knowing directly the lives of sheepherders and fishermen in Chiloé communities. 
As a student he participated in resistance struggles against the Pinochet dictatorship. As a medical doctor since 1986 he has always sought to ensure that human health expresses the expansion of the full potential of life. Formally, he has studied various currents of biological psychiatry and has a master’s degree in psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology from the University of Uruguay. Since 1997, he has been developing a conservation project in Caleta María, together with his family, friends and nature lovers; an option to build a cooperative and communal life in these Fuegian territories with the mountains, the multiple and diverse life of the forests, the seas, the wind and the spirits of the original inhabitants.


Claudia Augustat (AT)

Claudia Augustat is an anthropologist and since 2004 curator for South American Collections at the Weltmuseum Wien in Austria. Her research focuses on collections from the Amazon and Tierra del Fuego, material culture and cultural memory, on collaborative curatorship and the decolonization of museum praxis. She is head of the EU co-founded Creative Europe Project TAKING CARE. Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Space of Care.


Melanie Duclos Katunaric (CL)

MS in Ecosystem Health, PhD (c) in Conservation Medicine. She is a researcher at the Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability – CAPES, of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; and at the Center for Research for Sustainability – CIS of the Andrés Bello University in Santiago, Chile. Her lines of research are ecology, ecotoxicology, genetics and health of wild populations.

Paula Lopez Wood (CL)

Writer and Explorer, Paula Lopez (1987) graduated from Audiovisual Direction and Aesthetics in Universidad Católica de Chile, and also has an MFA in Creative Writing at New York University. Her work has been published in several Chilean magazines and digital media (El Mercurio, Ladera Sur, Escalando), also international press like Desnivel (Spain), The Explorers Journal (New York) and she has written and produced documentaries series on Chilean natural history (Wood Producciones). Her storytelling has focused on sharing with passion and deep knowledge the wilderness of the southernmost territories of Chile and Antarctica.

Raviv Ganchrow (US/IL/NL)

is an artist and sound researcher based in Amsterdam, NL. His work researches the interdependencies between sound, place and listening, aspects of which are explored through installations, writing, and the development of pressure-forming and vibration-sensing technologies. His installations examine context-dependent sites of contemporary listening relating to environmental infrasound (Long-Wave Synthesis, Dark Ecology, Kirkeness, NO and Sonic Acts, Amsterdam, NL), mineral piezoelectricity (Quartz Attention, Hyperobjects, Ballroom Marfa, Texas, USA), anechoic chambers (Padded Sounds, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, DE) and materiality of radio transmission (Radio Plays ItselfForecast for Shipping and Knallfunken) in collaboration with ORF Kunstradio, AT, BBC Radio 4, UK, and Deutschlandfunk Kultur respectively, DE. Recent installations develop in-situ circuits relating to human-mineral binds (Agora Circuit, Tuned City / Onassis Cultural Foundation, Messene, GR) and telluric currents (Westhafen Ground-Electric, Singuhr at ZK/U Berlin, DE). Raviv Ganchrow is currently a faculty member at the Institute of Sonology, University of the Arts, The Hague, NL.


Dominga del Campo (CL)

director of Estudio de Campo, is a dancer, aesthetic and explorer. She graduated from Aesthetics in Universidad Católica de Chile and studied dance at ENA (Escuela Nacional de las Artes) in Cuba. Estudio de Campo (Field studies), is a laboratory for scenic, architecture, and life practices. Today it is based in a historic warehouse in Barrio Huemul, Santiago. Sometimes Estudio de Campo acts as a collective, sometimes as a thoughtful organ for “other solutions”, including all kinds of sensitive bodies and materials, both human and non-human, animals and spirits, in the processes of affection and significance within the landscape.

Gerd Sielfeld (CL)

dedicated to understand the nature of deformation in the Andes mountain range, Gerd works by combining perspectives of structural and seismotectonic geology. With experience in active volcanic chains (Southern Andes and Southern Andes), he is the scientific coordinator of the Prisma Austral Foundation, developing a multidisciplinary approach in the canals and fjords of the Magallanes region, bringing together teams of biology, geophysics, geology, art and archeology. He has participated in the creation of documentary series for the dissemination of earth sciences and has collaborated with artists in the creation of the first scientific mural in Chile.

Its fundamental motivation is the creation of knowledge for the responsible conservation of pristine land- and seascapes.


Joali Paredes-Mariño (VEN)

Researcher in the area of volcanology, focused on the study of magma fragmentation and ash generation in explosive volcanic eruptions, through analogous experiments in the laboratory and the characterization of the grain size distribution of the resulting fragments.

She is a Geological Engineer graduated from the Universidad de Los Andes, ULA (Venezuela), and subsequently carried out post-graduate studies (2012-2014), within the framework of an ERASMUS MUNDUS program, of the European Commission, in the study of fine soil materials (clays), ending with a double degree from the Université de Poitiers (France) and the Technical University of Crete (Greece). She carried out PhD studies (2014-2018) within a Marie Curie project, also from the European Commission, within an ITN, VERTIGO (Initial Trainning Network), in the Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia (Italy).

Her research interests cover the analysis of samples from pyroclastic deposits in order to understand efficiency on the magma fragmentation process, and linking, as well, this efficiency of fragmentation with eruptive energy for the evaluation of volcanic hazard.


Angélica Castelló (MX/AT)

Her sound work and compositions concentrates on fragility, dreamworld and the subconscious. Performs continuously solo or in cooperations everywhere between Mexico City and Vienna. Numerous compositions for ensembles, radio works as well as installations that operate at the interface of music, performance and visual arts. Several releases on labels like Interstellar records, Mikroton recordings, Monotype records, Mosz, chamafu nocords, Orlando Records, einklang_records, Mandorla Label, Thalamos, upside down records etc.


Diego Cortés (CL)

Technician in Plastic Arts and Design with a specialty in artistic casting and electroplating. He has worked on various artistic installations in Chile, Spain, and Switzerland. He has participated in different designs and installations of Terra Ignota, including the ‘wind oscillators,’ their field test installation; the ‘oscillator,’ the version powered by industrial motors of the ‘wind oscillators’; and the design and testing of the hanging system for the ‘Rocks’ installation. He was also in charge of assembling pieces and museography for the first homonymous exhibition of the project at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago. His specialty is the design, assembly, and testing of experimental metal and mechanical pieces with extensive experience in technical project development for artists, architects, and designers.