Christian Espinoza (CL)

architect and artist, working, researching and experimenting with territories under the esthetic of dark ecologies. Currently, its production revolves around the collision points between biological and electromagnetic corridors, and the liminal sites in the large lax, discontinuous, heterogeneous and multipolar areas of the extractivism macro-regions. His sound research includes listening as an active and political action, a technology and, in many cases, an extension of the ecological battlefield. His work has been presented at different festivals, spaces and galleries in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brasil and France.

Victor Mazón (ES)

His work exposes the unheard and unseen—addressing the inaccessible and experiencing vulnerability and awareness—to the viewer. Perception and altered states are key concepts in his performances through the use of sound or light. His work materializes in three main fields: actions or site-specific performances through experimental processes, exhibitions as consequences of previous actions, and collaborative works through seminars to form a communal dialog.

Rene Rissland (DE)

is an Architect, Urban Thinker and Designer living and working in Nuremberg. He studied Architecture at the Postgraduate Program for Architecture and Urban Research — akademie c/o — of the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts with Arno Brandlhuber. Since 2011 he is an assistant professor at the Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg.
In 2006 he founded the office eyland 07 and merged in 2016 together with Kappler Sedlak Architekten to There field of interest focuses on the peripheral areas of architecture and city planning, often working in interdisciplinary teams together with landscape architects, artists, musicians and sociologists. The relationship of architecture and sound is one of the office’s main focus topics.

Nicolas Spencer (CL/AT)

is a sound artist with an academic background as a forestry engineer (Master’s degree, University of Chile) and multimedia art (Master’s degree, University of Chile).

His work focuses on ways of understanding nature in all the depth and complexity. His installations mix the massiveness of its components (rocks, metals, gravity, wind, etc.) with the fragility and immateriality of sound.

Spencer’s artistic practice is contaminating (and contaminated by) other areas of knowledge as a way of generating alternative epistemological and aesthetic perspectives.