
Walking along a border is the same as following any other path or track. While walking you start inhabiting a zone. This border path is unmarked, there is no trail, only a direction across country. You might think that you are following a line, but you have entered a multiplicity of presences, an ecological continuum, where past, present and future intertwine cross-linking animate and inanimate beings and surroundings.

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Batimientos – Schwebungen

By Kerstin Ergenzinger & Florencia Curci

Preparing the walk through the Lapataia valley with maps and through the cartographic gaze from afar we strongly felt our foreignness and the valley’s negative space. Its resonance space was an external void. Its prevailing elements seemed to be water and wind.

We imagined bodies and voices in the winds. We imagined to join with our breath sounding tones without semantics.

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Cultural marks & treeprints

As Robert Carracedo points in his archeological report of TIF 23, evidence of culturally modified trees has been found in the Bahía Blanca area by the Terra Ignota team. This bay, and specifically the forest near the Bahía Blanca 2, 3 and 4 shell middens, presents an optimal location for bark extraction. The main problem at this location is that the forest has been exploited for decades for timber extraction. Therefore, without dendrochronological dating we cannot be certain of their age and, consequently, we cannot relate them to the indigenous occupation of the site.

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Kites: Soaring Through myths, history, science, and art research

In the vast tapestry of human history, certain inventions and innovations stand out as marvels of ingenuity, merging science, art, and culture into a single canvas of human achievement. The humble kite, with its roots reaching back thousands of years, is one such marvel. Often associated with carefree leisure on sunny days, kites have also been instrumental in science, war, climate research, and artistic expression. This essay embarks on a journey through time and disciplines, exploring the multifaceted role of kites in shaping our world.

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Holobionte – Harnesing the wispers of wind: windmills, windengines and energy harvesting tools

By Florencia Curci, Victor Mazón Gardoqui & Nicolás Spencer

The utilization of wind energy represents an ancient relationship between humanity and the natural world. Windmills, wind engines and wind generators embody this enduring connection and stand as both scientific marvels and artistic expressions. We will delve into the historical chronology of these remarkable devices to celebrate their scientific and artistic significance.

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A Mysterious Hum – comparable snippets

Here you can listen to 30 secs edits of field recordings from different locations on the island of Rügen. Starting on the mainland at Lubmin industrial port with an ‘as close as we could get’ perspective of the FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) currently stationed there. These recordings have captured the ubiquitous low drone that eminates from the regasification vessel Neptune (also known as FSRU) to various locales, up to 61,5km away, on Rügen. (a list of the order of recordings is below)

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