The exhibition was inaugurated on the last day of setup, thus reinforcing the idea of a work in process and the intention to play with the temporal and spatial dimensions in which the installation was assembled.

In the words of Iván Flores, director of the Institute of Visual Arts UACh:
“This is not an inauguration, it seems, this is not a speech either, nor has it been a toast… it is a meeting, a meeting of unexpected crossings and relationships… with impermanent architectures, objects, and where individuals such as Viviana Méndez, Adrián Silva, Jan Vormann… and through the setup process -that has been open all week- Florencia Curci, Nicolás Spencer, Jesús Román, Tomás Elgueta, Cristian Espinoza…” This proposal draws on the experience of Terra Ignota, which has been of different ways and forms of exploration and occupation of territory… and institutions; the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago, in Germany… and the idea was not to propose an exhibition in a traditional way, but an experience.”
Florencia Curci:
“The idea was to put into play the practices that Terra Ignota usually engages in remote locations, in this place that we try to consider as, at least, uninhabited or in a process of beginning to inhabit a place like this. It is an opportunity for us but also for the institution to see what performativity this space encourages because it is a space that is far from traditional…”
Nicolás Spencer:
“This space is composed of space, wind, and undergrowth, and it must be allowed to enter; delirium has to be a part of this…”
“Water and electricity are present in a precarious balance. Just like our relationships, which are in a constant precarious balance. So, that risk, that danger, is well reflected there. The roof of the space leaks, and the installation is full of improperly installed cables. They are in a chaotic state like everything else… There’s a power source over there that powers everything, and on the other side, there’s a water source that supplies water. In other words, this place is an organism, but it is in constant danger. I like the feeling that there is a kind of… ‘be careful’… The vinyl also moves and scratches itself. If you forget to close this hose, it drips. Everything requires constant attention and observation… The hanging tent over there Invites you to lie down in the hammock comfortably to watch a video. There are many images of nature. But it’s above you. And there’s a cable hanging that just holds its weight, and the TV has 26,000 volts. It’s a pleasure to lie down and watch it, but be aware that you have 26,000 volts above that little thing, and it could fry you.”